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Tech Tips


Every day I see tips and tricks come across my desk that could save a lot of time and trouble in the workshop. I also hear a lot of stories from other mechanics and thought it would be a great idea to share this knowledge. So I set up our repair solutions and tech tips newsletter to share these stories and showcase some of our great time-saving tools. If you have a story you'd like to share I'd love to hear it. Just send me an email or give me a call.

Auric Mirfin
Owner All Euro Parts 

Please use the search bar in the top right-hand corner ... eg brakes, PTFE seals etc. 


Revised Service Times ­ Volkswagen Amarok

We have an amazing special offer on this ratcheting interchangeable crimper set, which crimps the 5 most common automotive solderless terminal types.

We have some great specials for you on our Air Boy Cooling System Flusher, this is such a helpful tool to have in the workshop.

Get one of these fantastic Brake Rewind Tools From Endeavour - a unique spring loaded tool - the powerful internal spring ensures the inner piston mechanism is wound back. 

This month we are happy to bring you a special on our Smoke Pro Air Complete™ machines. We have been selling these units for some time & we believe they are the best on the market.

I wanted to take the opportunity to showcase some of the fantastic Meyle parts that we stock.

Sometimes the simplest things are the best solution. Our Tool of the Month is a universal brake rewind tool.

Our biggest focus here at All Euro is keeping you up to date with the latest developments in specialist car tooling, so you can cut back on labour intensive work and increase your turnover.